
Category Archives: publication

Lensbaby Trailblazer

Fall in love with Lensbaby. Proud to be a Lensbaby Trailblazer and a part of an amazing team

Trailblazers see things that others don’t. They take risks and challenge the status quo.

They’re people who aren’t afraid to bring their creative vision to life. Even if it’s considered a little “different”, “wacky” or “out there” by some. Leaders in their artistic vision, creativity, and expertise – we proudly recognise our Lensbaby Trailblazers!



Featured on The Big Photo Ezine

Happy to be featured on the Big Photo MagazineAll about light Issue 38




1st Place Portrait competition by BenQ

I am happy to announce that one of my photos won 1st Place Portrait competition by BenQ

model: Mădălina | make-up: Maria Asĺan | hair: Mihăiţă Aslan | Primo events | Prăvălia cu flori

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Frame Concept 2019

Ediția cu numărul 9  Frame Concept va avea loc în perioada 20-23 noiembrie, la Dâmbul Morii lângă Brașov.

Frame Concept v9.0 este unul dintre cele mai așteptate evenimente dedicate videografilor din România. De 9 ani, se întâlnesc cei care au cea mai bună expertiză în acest domeniu, experiență și cunoștințe tehnice, punând la dispoziție informații și sfaturi de referință pliate pe nevoia de dezvoltare, atât în domeniul videografic cât și în cel fotografic.



Favorite entries from the Sony World Photography Awards 2020

Editors from Sony World Photography Awards choose their favorite submissions to the Open competition of the 2020


model: Mădălina | make-up: Maria Aslan | hair: Mihăiţă Aslan | Primo events | Prăvălia cu flori

Featured on N-Photo Magazine

My images has been selected for the N-Photo February 2019 Issue 94

I love seeing my photos in a magazine – a printed one! 😍 Read more…

Featured on Practical Photography Magazine

My images has been selected for the Gallery section 10Clicks – Portraits of the magazine Practical Photography Magazine March 2019 !
I love seeing my photos in a magazine – a printed one!

37 outstanding images from the 2019 Sony World Photography Awards

It’s been an honor, my photo is on the best entries so far !😍

Take a look at 37 of the most outstanding entries so far. These have all been chosen by the editors from the Entries of the Week



Lensbaby Featured Photos of 2018

Great portrait photographers are masters at capturing the real mood and emotion of their subject, while also expressing their own personal creativity. Here are some of the portraits that pushed boundaries and inspired us this year.

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Featured on Digital Photographer

My image has been selected for the Gallery section of the magazine Digital Photographer Issue 207 !