
Category Archives: publication

Fila lunii martie a Calendarului Nikon 2015

Fotografia Cristinei Venedict a fost aleasa de catre juriul format din Oliver Merce si Adrian Andrunachi ca fiind cea care va ilustra fila lunii martie a Calendarului Nikon 2015. In plus, ea a castigat premiul  lunar constand intr-un voucher in valoare de 1000lei.

model: Viviana Sposub


Published in Professional Photographer Magazine

The image Behind You for Professional Photographer’s Portfolio section. The image appear in the March issue of the magazine.

model: Stefana Chelaru | make-up: Roxana AG Make Up

Professional Photographer Magazine Uk

Magnificent Surreal Photography

Cristina is a self-taught fine-art photographer from Botosani, Romania. Her intelligent use of digital manipulation and multi-layered images creates beautiful illustrative compositions. Her series Mystical Places presents a world without limits, places where everything is possible. Cristina has won many photography competitions including PWP’s 37th Anniversary International, Shoot The Face International Portrait Photography Award, One Eyeland Photography Awards and many more. Read more…

The Soul Of Cristina Venedict

I entered the world of photography and of the magic lens at a time when the real world, the world I was living in, didn’t offer me the freedom I needed. I had taken my degree, I was a psychologist and I felt like I wasn’t really myself, like that world wasn’t mine… And then, there’s that phrase: “Ask and you shall receive” – it worked for me.
Read more…

Shoot The Face – The Book

Shoot The Face is an International Portrait Photography Award that was designed to acknowledge, expose, inspire, and reward talented photographers around the globe. This book is a recap of all of the finalist’s images from 2012/2013.

There are not enough beautiful photographs being printed anymore, this book and the images within it are stunning, perfect for the coffee table, perfect for bragging rights! Take a look!

All of the finalists from the Shoot The Face Portrait Photography Award have been published in the exquisite book, put together in partnership the good folk at Milk Books and Moleskine.

It is a delight to flick through, and appreciate the enormous amount of talented photographers that have entered Shoot The Face within it first 12 months of the Award.

This book is a genuine pleasure.

www.shoottheface.com | the book

featured on Golden Age Magazine

I have a feature in Golden Age Magazine. Check out all of the other talented people featured as well!

featured on Blur Magazine

Happy to be featured on Blur Magazine – BLUR #32 (Aug 2013 edition)

Gallery 36 is a collection—specifically, an online exhibition—of 36 outstanding and impactful photographs put together with the aim of demonstrating the diversity and beauty found in the world of photography. Photographs presented in Gallery 36 are selected for their high aesthetic quality, composition, and “wow” factor.

BLUR magazine is an international e-magazine founded in 2007 with the mission to promote creative photography worldwide. It represents a meeting place for photographers, both prominent professionals and talented amateurs yet to be discovered, and photography lovers from around 190 countries.



Romania frumoasa | TVR2 | TVR+

Am placerea sa va anunt ca am fost invitata in emisiunea România frumoasă ,  de pe TVR2 ce a fost transmisa in direct, marti, 9 iulie, de la ora 19.00.  Emisiunea se poate vedea in reluare pe tvr+ .



CHIP Foto Video | Portofoliu Cristina Venedict | Portretul la genul feminin

Este ca o carte pe care vrei cu nerabdare sa o citesti.
Romantica, sensibila, enigmatica, emotiva si delicata. Surprinzatoare si luminoasa: asa mi-o imaginez pe Cristina Venedict, al carei portofoliu vi-l propun să il rasfoiti in aceasta luna dedicata lumii feminine. Ana Maria Barbulescu

Surpriza lunii martie, ziua femeii, pentru mine a fost aparita in revista CHIP FOTO VIDEO: coperta si interviu pe 12 pagini. Am colaborat frumos cu ei si le multumesc pentru cadou! Editia Martie-Aprilie 2013 a revistei CHIP FOTO-VIDEO poate fi achizitionata din centrele de difuzare a presei sau online www.chip.ro/librarie

finalista la categoria fashion&beauty PPOTY

Sunt foarte bucuroasa, sunt finalista,in top 10 la categoria fashion & beauty la concursul organizat de revista Professional photographer. O revista din UK, care apare din 1982. Castigatorii vor fi anuntati pe 28 martie 2013. Din 37 de tari , 4000 de fotografii inscrise in concurs, au fost selectate 120 pentru toate cele 13 categorii.
Tineti-mi pumnii!

multe zambete!