

Group Exhibition – „Cele care nu se văd”

Bucuroasă că fac parte din acest proiect creativ! ❤️

Instalația fotografică „Cele care nu se văd” – vernisaj pe 18 august, la Muzeul Național al Țăranului Român Read more…

Making Photography with the Soul

XIAOMI 12 SERIES launch event at the Hofburg Palace Vienna

I have just returned from the premiere of the latest Xiaomi 12 PRO model, which took place in Vienna and was attended by people from all over the world.
I am very proud that my works have been exhibited at the Hofburg Palace
It was a unique experience ❤️

These photos are part of a series especially created for Xiaomi

Shot on #Xiaomi12Pro
#XiaomiRomania #xiaomiImagery #MasterEveryScene #Xiaomi12Series Read more…

Portraits of women

An entire session made only with a mobile phone created especially for Xiaomi Romania .
They invited me to create Portraits of women for International Women’s Day.

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Featured on The Phoblographer

Happy to be featured on The Phoblographer, interviewed by Feroz KhanThe Phoblographer

The Phoblographer is a website that explores the psychology of photographers as they do their work. It also offers reviews, tips, tutorials, and news from a lifestyle point of view. The site explores the photography world and pop culture’s effects on the art form.

Colorful Portraits Of Women Have Won Cristina Venedict Many Awards Read more…

Featured on Fuji X Passion Photography Magazine

Happy to be featured on the Fuji X Passion Photography Magazine – December 2021

This edition features five fantastic and talented photographers and highlights their beautiful imagery, from portraits to landscapes. As always, each piece of work, each photograph, was made with a Fuji X camera. It was a pleasure for us to make this truly inspiring number with more than 170 pages.

In this new issue, discover the spectacular work of Alwin Kok, David A., Ritesh Ghosh, Cristina Venedict (cover photo) and Elsbeth and Karl

Fuji X Passion Photography Magazine – December 2021

Sesiuni de poveste 2021

Studioul meu este pregătit pentru o călatorie de poveste! Cu această ocazie vă aștept cu înscrieri pentru sesiunile foto.

Durată: 45-60 de minute
Datorită restricțiilor voi realiza doar 2 sesiuni pe zi și voi igieniza studioul dupa fiecare ședință foto
Fotografii: aproximativ 20 fotografii digitale intr-o galerie online privată
Opțional: album printat

In limita locurilor disponibile, prețurile și perioadele sunt cele de mai jos.
👉 400 lei (20 noiembrie – 30 noiembrie) (sold out)
👉 500 lei (01 decembrie – 15 decembrie)(sold out)
👉 600 lei (16 decembrie – 24 decembrie)(sold out)

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Xiaomi Creator

I am excited to announce that I have been named official Xiaomi Creator ❤

The Xiaomi Creator Program is an initiative created by Xiaomi Global focused on one thing: providing talented filmmakers and photographers a platform to share their creativity with the world.

Xiaomi Creators is a group of talented people who make short films and photography; but they are so much more than that. They are creators who embody the idea of “Creativity for Everyone”. They are passionate about creating and sharing their knowledge with people all around the world.

Xiaomi Creator

I invite you to visit my instagram profile only with photos taken with Xiaomi


A new lens in my camera bag

I’m so glad to write about a new lensbaby Obscura, which was launched yesterday.
An extremely creative lens that gave me the opportunity to create wonderful pictures.

The Lensbaby Obscura comes in two versions. A 50mm Pinhole/Zone Plate/Pinhole Sieve optic – for Optic Swap System and a standalone 16mm Pinhole/Zone Plate/Pinhole Sieve pancake lens for mirrorless cameras.

Lensbaby Obscura isn’t a lens, Obscura is an extraordinary experience crafted in the origins of photography.

Creativity is amplified by the pattern, the atmosphere created, the light, all the things that surround us, our inner state amplifies or inhibits our creativity.

Lensbaby Obscura envelopes the photographer and lens in an elegant dance between light and dark while bringing unique flare and image artifacts that aren’t possible to achieve in-camera with any standard camera lens.

Redefine photography as you know it with Lensbaby Obscura.

Thank you, Lensbaby for the oportunity to test such a lens.


Atelier portret 18-19 Iunie 2021

Vă invit cu drag să luaţi parte la un atelier de fotografie pe tema portret

Atelierul va avea loc în perioada 18-19 Iunie 2021 în Botoşani.

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