Fantastic Interview With Fine Art Portrait Photographer Cristina Venedict

Cristina Venedict is a Fine Art Portrait Photographer from Botosani, Romania. She fell in love with photography in 2010, after her son was born.

In her words about passion for photography “To maintain my passion I like to use different styles. I don’t settle down with one specific style. I have periods when I shoot only portraits, other times I love couple or family sessions and sometimes I like to escape in a world of dream and create something magical. I like this about me, this makes me happy and keeps my passion for photography alive and growing. Even I don’t know what to expect from me. I want to work on projects that represent me and make me discover parts of me that are hidden. I want to surprise myself!”

Thanks, Cristina for accepting for the invite. Please read on…

Fantastic Interview With Fine Art Portrait Photographer Cristina Venedict


Hi Cristina, and thank you for joining us here today! Could you please introduce yourself?

I’m Cristina Venedict, portrait and fine art photographer from Romania, Botosani.

When did you start shooting and how did this love for photography happen?

I fell in love with photography in 2007; it was like a revelation. I had a job as a psychologist, but I wasn’t happy. I felt like it wasn’t the proper place for me to be. Then, I fell in love with portraiture and I knew that was what I wanted to do in life.

It was such a wonderful feeling. In 2010, after my son was born, I began to take the path to portraiture. And I fell in love! This is the beauty of photography, to keep the passion alive. I like to play, I enjoy being a child. I’m quite immature sometimes, but this is who I am.

What fascinates you to capture these precious fine art portraits?

I like the portraits photographed by me to be pictorial. Harmony between colour, model position, and clothing.

How did you prepare yourself before the shoot?

Sometimes when I want a more complex project, I think about the concept, the props, the model, the decorations, the desired atmosphere, and sometimes I just leave things alone. I like both approaches and much depends on my mood.

Could you please share your favorite photograph from your portfolio and story behind it?

The circus mood. This photo is part of the “circus mood” series, one that I’m very fond of. I created the “circus mood” for a special one to one workshop. I’ve always been fascinated by the circus, for me, it means emotion, color, mystery, a representation at the edge between tragic and comic. I shot the photo in my studio and the subject is an acrobat who finished her number. The model is Ana, a friend with whom I collaborate on different projects. She is very dear to me because of her beautiful soul as well as her distinct physiognomy. For make-up and hairstyle, I worked with two dear friends, Roxana Armanu and Mihaita Aslan. I like this photo because it conveys an emotion and tells an entire story.

What is your post processing techniques?

I start by processing the raw file in Camera Raw and then in Photoshop. When I’m in Photoshop, post-processing depends on my mood.

What is the best compliment you received so far?

“Her work is painterly, poetic and romantic.”

What do you do to keep motivated, and not lose your passion for photography?

To maintain my passion I like to use different styles. I don’t settle down with one specific style. I have periods when I shoot only portraits, other times I love couple or family sessions and sometimes I like to escape in a world of dream and create something magical. I like this about me (that I don’t have a specific style), this makes me happy and keeps my passion for photography alive and growing. Even I don’t know what to expect from me. I want to work on projects that represent me and make me discover parts of me that are hidden. I want to surprise myself!

Which photographers have inspired you?

I like Paolo Roversi. He is an artist, a painter of light. I love his creations.

What camera and lenses do you use the majority of the time?

Any favorite photography books?

Apart from photography, tell me about your hobbies and interests?

To hang out with my friends, listen to music, play with Sasha, my little boy. But, still, everything gravitates around photography.

Thanks again for providing 121 Clicks with this opportunity to interview you. Any final thoughts for our readers?

The most important thing is to make a photo with a passion to convey some of you through it.

You can find Cristina Venedict on the Web:



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